- Categories
- Sphere
- Casein Micelle Bouchoux
- Bouchoux_casein_micelle.py
Casein Micelle Bouchoux - Bouchoux_casein_micelle.py
This model comprises three populations of polydisperse hard spheres,
corresponding to, from the largest to smallest size:
Level0 - The casein micelle, around 100 nm in diameter.
Level1 - Hard regions that resist compression and contain the nanoclusters,
10-40 nm in diameter.
Level2 - CaP nanoclusters serving as anchors for the casein molecules.
The scattering intensity $I(q)$ is the sum of the intensities scattered
by the three levels and is calculated as:
$I(q) = c left[ phi _0 v_0 left( Delta p_0
ight) ^2 P_0 left( q
ight) + phi _1 v_1 left( Delta p_1
ight) ^2 P_1 left( q
ight) + phi _2 v_2 left( Delta p_2
ight) ^2 P_2 left( q
where $c$ is a constant accounting for the total concentration of the caseins.
$phi _n$ is the volume fraction occupied by the structural element $n$ in the
dispersion, while $v_n$ and $Delta p_n$ are its volume and average scattering
contrast, respectively. $P_n left( q
ight)$ are the form factors of each
object which are modelled using the expression of Aragon et al. (1976).
The form factors are calculated as:
ight) = frac{9z!left(z+1
ight) imes Q left(X
where $z = left(frac{1}{sigma}
ight)^2 - 1 $
with $sigma$ being the polydispersity and
the functions $Gleft(y
ight)$ and $Qleft(y
ight)$ are:
ight) = frac{left(z+1
ight)^2 + y^2}$ ; $Fleft(y
ight) = arctanleft[y/left(z + 1
ight) = - frac{1}{2}cosleft[left(z + 1
ight] - XG^frac{1}{2}left(2X
ight)sinleft[left(z + 2
ight] + frac{1}{2}X^2left(frac{z + 2}{z + 1}
ight)cosleft[left(z + 3
ight] $
Bouchoux, A., Gesan-Guiziou, G., Perez, J. and Cabane, B. (2010). How to
Squeeze a Sponge: Casein Micelles under Osmotic Stress, a SAXS Study.
Biophysical Journal 99, 3754-3762.
Aragon, S. R. and R. Pecora. (1976). Theory of dynamic light scattering
from polydisperse systems. J. Chem. Phys. 64:2395-2404.
* **Last Modified by:** Jared Raynes **Date:** August 06, 2018
* **Last Reviewed by:** N/A **Date:** July 18, 2018
from numpy import inf, errstate, sin, cos, sqrt, log, exp, pi, square, arctan
from scipy.special import gammaln
name = "bouchoux_casein_micelle"
title = "Three population casein micelle model"
description = """
Calculates the scattering of a casein micelle
I(q) = a(P0) + b(P1) + c(P2)
a = prefactor
P0 = form factor of micelle
b = prefactor
P1 form factor of hard regions
c = prefactor
P2 = form factor of CaP nanoclusters
category = "shape:sphere"
# Parameter defaults are from Bouchoux et al Table S5 and use x-ray SLDs
# pylint: disable=bad-whitespace, line-too-long
# ["name", "units", default, [min, max], "type", "description"],
parameters = [
["radius_0", "Ang", 417.1, [0, inf], "volume", "Level0 Sphere radius"],
["cste", "", 0.000234414, [0, inf], "", "Overall Constant"],
["sld_solvent_0", "/Ang^2", 9.40e-6, [-inf, inf], "sld", "Level0 Solvent Scattering Length Density"],
["sld_0", "/Ang^2", 9.89e-6, [-inf, inf], "sld", "Level0 Scattering Length Density"],
["sigma_0", "", 0.33, [0, 1], "", "Level0 polydispersity"],
["na", "", 1.0, [-inf, inf], "", "Relative number density of Level0"],
["radius_1", "Ang", 100.8, [0, inf], "volume", "Level1 Sphere radius"],
["sld_1", "/Ang^2", 10.71e-6, [-inf, inf], "sld", "Level1 Layer scattering length density"],
["sigma_1", "", 0.33, [0, 1], "", "Level1 polydispersity"],
["nb", "", 2.713976715351685, [-inf, inf], "", "Relative number density of Level1"],
["radius_2", "Ang", 15.4, [0, inf], "volume", "Level2 Sphere radius"],
["sld_2", "/Ang^2", 15.14e-6, [-inf, inf], "sld", "Level2 Layer scattering length density"],
["sigma_2", "", 0.20, [0, 1], "", "Level2 polydispersity"],
["nc", "", 168.3, [-inf, inf], "", "Relative number density of Level2"]
def sphere_form_volume(radius):
return (4.0/3.0)*pi*radius**3.0
def sld_converter(sld):
convert sld in A-2 to e-A-1
e_A = round(sld / 0.0000281, 3)
return e_A
def prefactor(sld, sld_solvent, radius, cste, n):
n = number of casein micelles, assumed constant so set to 1
Vma = sphere_form_volume(radius/10.0)
Dpa = sld_converter(sld) - sld_converter(sld_solvent)
prefactor = cste * n * (Dpa * Vma)**2
return prefactor
def aragon(q, radius, sigma):
>>> aragon(0.0013, 15.4, 0.20)
dia = radius * 2
z = (1/((sigma)**2))-1
b = dia/(z + 1)
c = z + 1
d = z + 2
e = z + 3
two_X = q * dia
g_2X = (c**2) / ((c**2)+(two_X**2))
f_2X = arctan(two_X / c)
q_X = (-0.5 * cos(c * f_2X))-(((0.5 * two_X) * (g_2X**0.5)) * sin(d * f_2X))+((0.5 * ((0.5 * two_X)**2)) * (d / c) * g_2X * cos(f_2X * e))
p1 = (9 * exp(gammaln(c)) * (c**6)) / (((0.5*two_X)**6) * exp(gammaln(z + 7)))
p2 = 0.5 + (0.5 * (d / c) * (( 0.5 * two_X )**2)) + (q_X * (g_2X**(0.5 * c)))
PX = p1 * p2
return PX
def Iq(q,
radius_0, cste, sld_solvent_0, sld_0, sigma_0, na,
radius_1, sld_1, sigma_1, nb,
radius_2, sld_2, sigma_2, nc):
>>>Iq(0.0013, 417.1, 0.000234414, 9.40e-6, 9.84e-6, 0.33, 1,
100.8, 10.87e-6, 0.33, 2.713976715351685,
15.4, 1514e-6, 0.20, 168.3)
Calculate the overall combined scattering
Calculate prefactors first and then the population scattering
Pre_a = prefactor(sld_0, sld_solvent_0, radius_0, cste, na)
P0 = aragon(q, radius_0, sigma_0)
Pre_b = prefactor(sld_1, sld_0, radius_1, cste, nb)
P1 = aragon(q, radius_1, sigma_1)
Pre_c = prefactor(sld_2, sld_1, radius_2, cste, nc)
P2 = aragon(q, radius_2, sigma_2)
inten = (Pre_a * P0) + (Pre_b * P1) + (Pre_c * P2)
return inten
Iq.vectorized = True # Iq accepts an array of q values
tests = [
[{}, 0.0013, 5290.302200205034]
demo = dict(scale=1, background=0,
radius_0=417.3, cste=0.000234414, sld_solvent_0=9.40e-6, sld_0=9.84e-6, sigma_0=0.33, na=1.0,
radius_1=100.8, sld_1=10.87e-5, sigma_1=0.33, nb=2.713976715351685,
radius_2=15.4, sld_2=15.15e-5, sigma_2=0.20, nc=168.3)
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