
Name Description Category Upload Date Author Score Verified
Spherical Sld Definition Similarly to the onion, this model provides the form factor, $P(q)$, for a multi-shell sphere, where the interface between the each neighboring shells can be described by the error... Sphere 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Adsorbed Layer Definition This model describes the scattering from a layer of surfactant or polymer adsorbed on large, smooth, notionally spherical particles under the conditions that (i) the particles (cor... Sphere 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Vesicle Definition This model provides the form factor, *P(q)*, for an unilamellar vesicle and is effectively identical to the hollow sphere reparameterized to be more intuitive for a vesicle and nor... Sphere 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Core Multi Shell Definition This model is a trivial extension of the CoreShell function to a larger number of shells. The scattering length density profile for the default sld values (w/ 4 shells). ... Sphere 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Core Shell Sphere .. _core_shell_sphere: This model provides the form factor, $P(q)$, for a spherical particle with a core-shell structure. The form factor is normalized by the particle volume. For information... Sphere 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
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