
Name Description Category Upload Date Author Score Verified
Linear Pearls This model provides the form factor for $N$ spherical pearls of radius $R$ linearly joined by short strings (or segment length or edge separation) $l$ $(= A - 2R)$. $A$ is the center-to-center pear... Sphere 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
OrientedMagneticChains This plug-in model calculates oriented core-shell chains, with the option of adding a magnetic SLD to each layer. The chain scattering is the incoherent sum of a user-defined combination of sin... Sphere 21 May 2021 krycket 0
Field-dependent magnetic SANS of misaligned magnetic moments in bulk ferromagnets For bulk ferromagnets, this model allows to analyze the field-dependent purely magnetic SANS. The misalignment scattering is obtained by subtracting the reference scattering at a high (saturating) ... Sphere 17 Feb 2021 dehoni 0
SANS of bulk ferromagnets This model is a micromagnetic approach to analyse the SANS that arises from nanoscale variations in the magnitude and orientation of the magnetization in bulk ferromagnets in the approach to magnet... Sphere 17 Feb 2021 dehoni 0
Superparamagnetic Core-Shell Spheres with 3D field orientation This model describes the SANS of individual (dilute), superparamagnetic particles for which the alignment of the particle moments along the magnetic field. The magnetic field can be set in an arbit... Sphere 21 Oct 2020 dehoni 0
Superparamagnetic Core-Shell Spheres This model describes the SANS of individual (dilute), superparamagnetic particles for which the alignment of the particle moments along the magnetic field is disturbed by thermal fluctuations. The ... Sphere 17 Oct 2020 dehoni 0
Sphere Concentration A Spheres with uniform scattering length density reparameterized to used to use the *volume number density* of spheres, NOT the volume fraction of spheres as in the normal SasView sphere model. Al... Sphere 21 May 2020 smk78 0
Core double shell sphere filled with many cylinders in the core Orientationally averaged form factor for a monodisperse spherical particle with a core-double-shell sphere structure, filled with circular cylinders in its core. Note that the platelets inside ... Sphere 18 Nov 2019 p3scmr 0
Core shell sphere filled with a cylinder in the core Orientationally averaged form factor for a monodisperse spherical particle with a core-shell sphere structure, filled with a circular cylinder in its center. Output: P(q) = \frac{\text{scal... Sphere 24 Jul 2019 p3scmr 0
correlated_spheres Definition ---------- The 1D scattering intensity of two correlated spherical particles can be written as: $P(q)=F_1^2 + F_2^2 + 2*F_1*F_2 * sin(qD)/qD$, where $F_1$ and $F_2$ are the scattering ... Sphere 30 Mar 2019 Tianfu 0
Core-Chain-Chain (CCC) Model This form factor describes scattering from spherical cores (nanoparticle, micellar, etc.) that have chains coming off normal from their surface. In the case of the Core-Chain-Chain (CCC) Model, th... Sphere 23 Aug 2018 mjahore 0
Casein Micelle Bouchoux This model comprises three populations of polydisperse hard spheres, corresponding to, from the largest to smallest size: Level0 - The casein micelle, around 100 nm in diameter. Level1 - Hard r... Sphere 03 Aug 2018 jaredraynes 0
coreshellmicrogel (SASfit) This file has been automatically generated by sasfit_convert and manually edited by Wojciech Potrzebowski, ESS on 2017-12-07. The model calculates an empirical functional form for SAS data chara... Sphere 07 Dec 2017 wojciechpotrzebowski 0
Fuzzy Sphere For information about polarised and magnetic scattering, see the `magnetism` documentation. Definition The scattering intensity $I(q)$ is calculated as: $$ I(q) = \frac{\text{scale}}{V... Sphere 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Polymer Micelle This model provides the form factor, $P(q)$, for a micelle with a spherical core and Gaussian polymer chains attached to the surface, thus may be applied to block copolymer micelles. To work wel... Sphere 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Raspberry Definition The figure below shows a schematic of a large droplet surrounded by several smaller particles forming a structure similar to that of Pickering emulsions. Schematic of the... Sphere 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Onion This model provides the form factor, $P(q)$, for a multi-shell sphere where the scattering length density (SLD) of each shell is described by an exponential, linear, or constant function. The form ... Sphere 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Binary Hard Sphere Definition The binary hard sphere model provides the scattering intensity, for binary mixture of hard spheres including hard sphere interaction between those particles, using rhw Percus-Yevic... Sphere 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Sphere For information about polarised and magnetic scattering, see the `magnetism` documentation. Definition The 1D scattering intensity is calculated in the following way (Guinier, 1955) $$ ... Sphere 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Multilayer Vesicle Definition This model is a trivial extension of the core_shell_sphere function where the core is filled with solvent and is surrounded by $N$ shells of material (such as lipids) interleaved w... Sphere 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
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