
Name Description Category Upload Date Author Score Verified
RPA models Calculates the macroscopic scattering intensity for a multi-component homogeneous mixture of polymers using the Random Phase Approximation. This general formalism contains 10 specific cases Case... Shape-Independent 15 Sep 2016 butler 0
star_polymer_v2 Reparametrised version, fits Rg not Rg^2^ Documentation corrected, see ticket #962, with grateful thanks to Ziang Li for pointing out the issues. The models is still noisy at very small Q when Rg... Shape-Independent 22 May 2017 richardh 0
Porod This model fits the Porod function $$ I(q) = C/q^4 $$ to the data directly without any need for linearisation (cf. Log I(q) vs Log q). Here $C = 2\pi (\Delta\rho)^2 S_v$ is the scale factor ... Shape-Independent 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Mono Gauss Coil #mono_gauss_coil model #conversion of #converted by Steve King, Mar 2016 This Debye Gaussian coil model strictly describes the scattering from *monodisperse* polymer chains in theta s... Shape-Independent 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Surface Fractal This model calculates the scattering from fractal-like aggregates based on the Mildner reference. Definition The scattering intensity $I(q)$ is calculated as $$ \begin{align*} I(q) = \... Shape-Independent 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Two Lorentzian Definition The scattering intensity $I(q)$ is calculated as $$ I(q) = \frac{A}{1 +(Q\xi_1)^n} + \frac{C}{1 +(Q\xi_2)^m} + \text{B} $$ where $A$ = Lorentzian scale factor #1, $C$ = Lorent... Shape-Independent 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Gauss Lorentz Gel This model calculates the scattering from a gel structure, but typically a physical rather than chemical network. It is modeled as a sum of a low-q exponential decay (which happens to give a functi... Shape-Independent 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Broad Peak Definition This model calculates an empirical functional form for SAS data characterized by a broad scattering peak. Many SAS spectra are characterized by a broad peak even though they are fr... Shape-Independent 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Guinier Porod Calculates the scattering for a generalized Guinier/power law object. This is an empirical model that can be used to determine the size and dimensionality of scattering objects, including asymmetri... Shape-Independent 15 Sep 2016 sasview 0
Mass Surface Fractal A number of natural and commercial processes form high-surface area materials as a result of the vapour-phase aggregation of primary particles. Examples of such materials include soots, aerosols... Shape-Independent 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Fractal Core Shell Definition Calculates the scattering from a fractal structure with a primary building block of core-shell spheres, as opposed to just homogeneous spheres in the fractal model. It is an extension... Shape-Independent 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Poly Gauss Coil #poly_gauss_coil model #conversion of #converted by Steve King, Mar 2016 This empirical model describes the scattering from *polydisperse* polymer chains in theta solvents or poly... Shape-Independent 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Dab Calculates the scattering from a randomly distributed, two-phase system based on the Debye-Anderson-Brumberger (DAB) model for such systems. The two-phase system is characterized by a single length... Shape-Independent 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Star Polymer Definition Calcuates the scattering from a simple star polymer with f equal Gaussian coil arms. A star being defined as a branched polymer with all the branches emanating from a common centra... Shape-Independent 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Be Polyelectrolyte .. note:: Please read the Validation section below. Definition This model calculates the structure factor of a polyelectrolyte solution with the RPA expression derived by Borue and Erukhimovi... Shape-Independent 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Mass Fractal Calculates the scattering from fractal-like aggregates based on the Mildner reference. Definition The scattering intensity $I(q)$ is calculated as $$ I(q) = scale \times P(q)S(q) + bac... Shape-Independent 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Polymer Excl Volume This model describes the scattering from polymer chains subject to excluded volume effects and has been used as a template for describing mass fractals. Definition The form factor was orig... Shape-Independent 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
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