All Models

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Binary Hard Sphere Definition The binary hard sphere model provides the scattering intensity, for binary mixture of hard spheres including hard sphere interaction between those particles, using rhw Percus-Yevic... Sphere 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Core Shell Bicelle Definition This model provides the form factor for a circular cylinder with a core-shell scattering length density profile. Thus this is a variation of a core-shell cylinder or disc where the... Cylinder 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Capped Cylinder Definitions Calculates the scattering from a cylinder with spherical section end-caps. Like `barbell`, this is a sphereocylinder with end caps that have a radius larger than that of the cylin... Cylinder 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Fractal Definition This model calculates the scattering from fractal-like aggregates of spherical building blocks according the following equation: $$ I(q) = \phi\ V_\text{block} (\rho_\text{block} ... Shape-Independent 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Sphere For information about polarised and magnetic scattering, see the `magnetism` documentation. Definition The 1D scattering intensity is calculated in the following way (Guinier, 1955) $$ ... Sphere 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Teubner Strey Definition This model calculates the scattered intensity of a two-component system using the Teubner-Strey model. Unlike `dab` this function generates a peak. A two-phase material can be char... Shape-Independent 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Hollow Rectangular Prism # rectangular_prism model # Note: model title and parameter table are inserted automatically Definition This model provides the form factor, $P(q)$, for a hollow rectangular parallelepiped wi... Parallelepiped 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Lamellar Hg # Note: model title and parameter table are inserted automatically This model provides the scattering intensity, $I(q)$, for a lyotropic lamellar phase where a random distribution in solution are a... Lamellae 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Rectangular Prism # rectangular_prism model # Note: model title and parameter table are inserted automatically This model provides the form factor, $P(q)$, for a rectangular prism. Note that this model is almo... Parallelepiped 07 Sep 2017 sasview 2
Hollow Cylinder Definition This model provides the form factor, $P(q)$, for a monodisperse hollow right angle circular cylinder (rigid tube) where the The inside and outside of the hollow cylinder are assume... Cylinder 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Barbell Definition Calculates the scattering from a barbell-shaped cylinder. Like `capped-cylinder`, this is a sphereocylinder with spherical end caps that have a radius larger than that of the cyli... Cylinder 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Lamellar Stack Paracrystal # Note: model title and parameter table are inserted automatically This model calculates the scattering from a stack of repeating lamellar structures. The stacks of lamellae (infinite in lateral di... Lamellae 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Gaussian Peak Definition This model describes a Gaussian shaped peak on a flat background $$ I(q) = (\text{scale}) \exp\left[ -\tfrac12 (q-q_0)^2 / \sigma^2 \right] + \text{background} $$ with the ... Shape-Independent 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Unified Power Rg Definition This model employs the empirical multiple level unified Exponential/Power-law fit method developed by Beaucage. Four functions are included so that 1, 2, 3, or 4 levels can be used... Shape-Independent 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Lamellar Hg Stack Caille # Note: model title and parameter table are inserted automatically This model provides the scattering intensity, $I(q) = P(q)S(q)$, for a lamellar phase where a random distribution in solution are ... Lamellae 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Spinodal Definition This model calculates the SAS signal of a phase separating system undergoing spinodal decomposition. The scattering intensity $I(q)$ is calculated as $$ I(q) = I_{max}\frac{(1+\... Shape-Independent 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Ellipsoid # ellipsoid model # Note: model title and parameter table are inserted automatically The form factor is normalized by the particle volume Definition The output of the 2D scattering intensi... Ellipsoid 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Pearl Necklace This model provides the form factor for a pearl necklace composed of two elements: *N* pearls (homogeneous spheres of radius *R*) freely jointed by *M* rods (like strings - with a total mass *Mw* =... Cylinder 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Sc Paracrystal .. warning:: This model and this model description are under review following concerns raised by SasView users. If you need to use this model, please email help@sasview.or... Paracrystal 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
Lamellar Polydispersity in the bilayer thickness can be applied from the GUI. Definition The scattering intensity $I(q)$ for dilute, randomly oriented, "infinitely large" sheets or lamellae is $... Lamellae 07 Sep 2017 sasview 0
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