SANS of bulk ferromagnets


This model is a micromagnetic approach to analyse the SANS that arises from nanoscale variations in the magnitude and orientation of the magnetization in bulk ferromagnets in the approach to magnetic saturation (single domain state).
Typical materials are cold-worked elemental magnets, hard and soft magnetic nanocomposites, amorphous alloys and precipitates in magnetic steel. The magnetic SANS depends on the magnetic interactions, the magnetic microstructure (defect/particle size, magnetocrystalline anisotropy, saturation magnetisation) and on the applied magnetic field.


Created By dehoni
Uploaded Feb. 17, 2021, 4:40 p.m.
Category Sphere
Score 0
Verified This model has not been verified by a member of the SasView team
In Library This model is not currently included in the SasView library. You must download the files and install it yourself.
Files micromagnetic_FF_3D.c


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