
Name: SasView Team
Username: sasview

Models Uploaded by sasview:

Name Description
Lamellar Stack Caille This model provides the scattering intensity, $I(q) = P(q) S(q)$, for a lamellar phase where a random distribution in solution are assumed. Here a Caille $S(q)$ is used for the lamellar stacks. Definition The scattering intensity $I(q)$ is …
Star Polymer Definition Calcuates the scattering from a simple star polymer with f equal Gaussian coil arms. A star being defined as a branched polymer with all the branches emanating from a common central (in the case of this model) point. It is derived …
Dab Calculates the scattering from a randomly distributed, two-phase system based on the Debye-Anderson-Brumberger (DAB) model for such systems. The two-phase system is characterized by a single length scale, the correlation length, which is a measure o…
Flexible Cylinder Elliptical This model calculates the form factor for a flexible cylinder with an elliptical cross section and a uniform scattering length density. The non-negligible diameter of the cylinder is included by accounting for excluded volume interactions within the…
Poly Gauss Coil #poly_gauss_coil model #conversion of #converted by Steve King, Mar 2016 This empirical model describes the scattering from *polydisperse* polymer chains in theta solvents or polymer melts, assuming a Schulz-Zimm type molecular wei…
Fractal Core Shell Definition Calculates the scattering from a fractal structure with a primary building block of core-shell spheres, as opposed to just homogeneous spheres in the fractal model. It is an extension of the well known Teixeira fractal model replacing …
Core Shell Ellipsoid Definition Parameters for this model are the core axial ratio $X_{core}$ and a shell thickness $t_{shell}$, which are more often what we would like to determine and make the model better behaved, particularly when polydispersity is applied, th…
Mass Surface Fractal A number of natural and commercial processes form high-surface area materials as a result of the vapour-phase aggregation of primary particles. Examples of such materials include soots, aerosols, and fume or pyrogenic silicas. These are all chara…
Rpa Definition Calculates the macroscopic scattering intensity for a multi-component homogeneous mixture of polymers using the Random Phase Approximation. This general formalism contains 10 specific cases Case 0: C/D binary mixture of homopolym…
Stacked Disks Definition This model provides the form factor, $P(q)$, for stacked discs (tactoids) with a core/layer structure which is constructed itself as $P(q) S(Q)$ multiplying a $P(q)$ for individual core/layer disks by a structure factor $S(q)$ propo…
Hayter Msa # Note: model title and parameter table are inserted automatically Calculates the interparticle structure factor for a system of charged, spheroidal, objects in a dielectric medium [1,2]. When combined with an appropriate form factor $P(q)$, this al…
Broad Peak Definition This model calculates an empirical functional form for SAS data characterized by a broad scattering peak. Many SAS spectra are characterized by a broad peak even though they are from amorphous soft materials. For example, soft syste…
Multilayer Vesicle Definition This model is a trivial extension of the core_shell_sphere function where the core is filled with solvent and is surrounded by $N$ shells of material (such as lipids) interleaved with $N - 1$ layers of solvent. For $N = 1$, this ret…
Stickyhardsphere # Note: model title and parameter table are inserted automatically Calculates the interparticle structure factor for a hard sphere fluid with a narrow, attractive, potential well. Unlike the `squarewell` model, here a perturbative solution of the Pe…
Spherical Sld Definition Similarly to the onion, this model provides the form factor, $P(q)$, for a multi-shell sphere, where the interface between the each neighboring shells can be described by the error function, power-law, or exponential functions. The…
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